This #mantra is dedicated to #ShrimatiRadharani . #Radha is the #female part of #Krishna . The complete conception of #God includes God and His energies, which exist together with Him and in same time there are identical with Him. The femaile part of the #energies of Krishna is Radha, His eternal consort, like the sun and sunlight, Krishna and Radha are the same.
Radha embodies the totality of love to Krishna. Thus She is known as the personification of #Bhakti , or loving devotion to God.
The love to God is our natural state, now is asleeping. Radha is the pure example of inspiration that calls everybody to awake the love to Krishna. She also gives a help to us achieve this goal.
Radha and Krishna are the female and male aspects of God. Known as the #Divine Couple, together they are the full manifestation of God.
Srimati #Radharani is the feminine and compassionate complement of the supreme whole, which resembles the perfect stage of the feminine nature. Therefore, the mercy of Radharani is available to the sincere devotees, and as soon as She recommends the devotee to #Lord Krishna, the Lord immediately accepts himto His company.