22:47.182 @ 99.349mph - 1st lap of MGP supertwins race 2015.
Minitwin/stocktwin spec, Racetech gold fork emulators and Maxton springs (0.85), Maxton shock, dynoed at 72hp... Used 16-45 gearing as recommended, and I didn't want to mess around with it as I was a newcomer and just trying to learn the track, and had no pit crew to advise on that kind of thing. It was really struggling to pull 6th anywhere other than downhill though…should have changed it!
The throttle trace is the top left figure (range of 56 to 213 for some reason) so you can see where I bottled the fast bits! Temperature below, gear position in the centre.
Lacking a bit of corner speed, but hopefully that will come with time as I get more familiar with the track, any comments and advice welcome please!
My advice for any prospective newcomers going on a Minitwin that might watch this would be to try 16-46, or even 15-43/44. Don't be afraid to use different settings, I wish I had! Also, make sure you aren't trying anything new over there - I used a set of tyres I had never tried before, and they had a dramatic effect on the bikes handling. I would have known this if I'd used them on the short circuits…