A short film produced within the Experimental Design course "Feral Ways of Making Sense with Multispecies Otaniemi" organised at Aalto University, Finland (2024), with Uroboros Collective as the main course partner.
Course details: https://collective.uroboros.design/feral-otaniemi/
The course provided a co-creative space for practice-based explorations of multispecies ecologies and relations, using the Aalto University campus Otaniemi as the main site of inquiry. Throughout the six weeks of the course, we moved and designed with the Otaniemi multispecies environment and its creatures — ranging from dust, slugs, birds, mushrooms, tree stumps, reeds, reindeer and more — to form new relations, learn, and make sense of and with each other. As we navigated this journey, we questioned who holds the power to produce knowledge about everyday realities, whose concerns are seen, heard, or noticed, and who remains invisible or unacknowledged?
Through performative, sensory, and imaginative methods – walking, drifting, listening, storytelling, crafting, noticing, remembering, and more – we gathered experiences and co-created feral artifacts in many forms using media such as glass, metal, wood, ceramics, leather, ink, sound, stop animation, walking and spoken word. We captured our processes as experimental videos.