Quite an old song by MARETU, but still one of my favourites. I really enjoy how this song can be tied in with Asian religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism! MARETU's songs always seem to have such darker meanings than what lies on the surface so it's always difficult to correctly put his lyrics into English, however in comparison to my old translation, I think I did alright!
"Uminaoshi” isn’t a word that’s necessarily used to mean “rebirth”; it's a compound of two words, “[to {physically} give] birth” and a word used to describe doing something again as to correct mistakes. A literal translation (according to VocaloidLyrics) would be something along the lines of “giving birth over again [in the hopes of doing it right this time].”
USAGE RULES FOR MY TRANSLATIONS/VIDEOS: https://karasuhana.jimdofree.com/tos/
Original upload(s):
NicoNico: https://nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31808640
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Tu2xgl1303M
Upload Date 25/08/2017
MARETU: https://twitter.com/maretu01
Karasuhana/カラス花 (translating,subtitling):
**COMMISSIONS: http://karasuhana.carrd.co/ **
KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/karasuhana
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/3vc6HDY
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/karasuhanasu
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/karasuhana211
SHIONGAKU: https://soundcloud.com/shiongakuteam