Web accessibility is much more than regulations and restrictions. It is based on real people with real problems and needs. By understanding all the users everything makes a lot more sense. In her talk Marianna addresses the ‘why’ of accessibility – and a little bit of the ‘how’, too.
Drawing: https://api.react-finland.fi/media/drawings/2022/marianna.png
Slides: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B7j4Vz01edApcbyiwlW6XizlIZMYfIiW/view?usp=sharing
React Finland 2022 took place 12-16.09 at Paasitorni, Helsinki. We had 400 participants and lots of fun.
Gold Sponsors: Relex
Silver Sponsors: Elisa, Nitor, Gofore, Supermetrics
Bronze Sponsors: Moon Highway, Solita, Huuva, Knowit, Utopia Music, Alma Media