材料 Ingredients:
【A 材料 A ingredients】
- 一片鸡胸肉和一支鸡腿 one chicken thigh and one chicken breast
- 半汤匙的盐 half tbsp of salt
- 一汤匙的料酒 1 tbsp of cooking wine
- 一粒鸡蛋 an egg
- 适量的薯粉(木薯粉)some tapioca starch
【B材料 B ingredients】
- 一汤匙的妈蜜汁 1 tbsp of marmite
- 半汤匙的蚝油 half tbsp of oyster sauce
- 半汤匙的糖 half tbsp of sugar
- 两汤匙的蜜糖 2 tbsp of honey
- 半小碗的热水 small bowl of hot water
- 两瓣蒜米 2 cloves of garlic
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