Here you will find about marriage without jathaka porutham in tamil language . Many have asked me questions regarding marriage without jathakam and mostly for lovers . Most of the lovers ask me questions regarding like marriage without rajju porutham , marriage without mahendra porutham and marriage without yoni porutham is possible or not. In my experience I shared that even some thirumana porutham and natchathira porutham in tamil is also not needed for some nakshatras like Rohini , swathi , punarpoosam ,etc . Here I have explained in detail why for love marriage jathaka porutham is not needed and most common question is is horoscope matching necessary for marriage or not and also other question is star matching important for marriage . I answered these questions about marriage matching in tamil here . After watching this video you will know whether love marriage jathaka porutham is needed for some nakshatras , marriage without rajju porutham and more things related with the marriage life of Swathi , rohini and punarpoosam nakshatras in tamil language .