All Marvel vs Capcom 2 Hyper Combos!
#marvel #MarvelVsCapcom #capcom #FreeMvC2
This is the XBLA version in widescreen played on the Xbox 360. Originally released on Sega's Naomi arcade hardware in 2000. Ported later that year to the Sega Dreamcast. The game has also seen physical releases on the original Xbox and PS2. Digital releases existed on Xbox 360, PS3, and even iOS. Unfortunately, all of the digital releases have been delisted since the end of 2013.
Intro - 0:00
Akuma - 0:41
Amingo - 1:07
Anakaris - 1:20
BB Hood - 2:10
Blackheart - 2:36
Cable - 3:01
Cammy - 3:26
Captain America - 3:52
Captain Commando - 4:12
Charlie - 4:33
Chun-Li - 4:51
Colossus - 5:08
Cyclops - 5:32
Dan - 5:55
Dhalsim - 6:20
Doctor Doom - 6:42
Felicia - 7:04
Gambit - 7:14
Guile - 7:35
Hayato - 7:53
Hulk - 8:23
Iceman - 8:46
Iron Man - 9:00
Jill - 9:06
Jin - 9:40
Juggernaut - 9:57
Ken - 10:02
M Bison - 10:26
Magneto - 10:48
Marrow - 11:08
Mega Man - 11:28
Morrigan - 12:03
Omega Red - 12:28
Psylocke - 12:40
Rogue - 13:15
Roll - 13:31
Ruby Heart - 14:02
Ryu - 14:38
Sabretooth - 15:01
Sakura - 15:26
Sentinel - 16:18
Servbot - 16:36
Shuma Gorath - 16:02
SonSon - 17:18
Silver Samurai - 17:47
Spider-Man - 18:40
Spiral - 19:00
Storm - 20:00
Strider - 20:23
Thanos - 20:43
Tron Bonne - 21:07
Venom - 21:25
War Machine - 21:38
Wolverine (adamantium) - 21:50
Wolverine (bone) - 22:28
Zangief - 22:40