Hello Compañer@s, we hope you are very well and learning a lot.
Today the video is about the most common cuts that can be presented to us when putting together our work. They will learn the correct way to cut pipes and angles efficiently.
We know that sometimes we have certain problems to cut pipes and angles correctly, that is why today we will show you our techniques or how to make these cuts in a safe and efficient way to obtain clean cuts and thus our assembly is better and more easy to solder.
Remember to watch until the end as we have a gift for those who comment on the video. Likewise, we will leave you the contact information of the person who sells the cut records mentioned in the video for those who may want to purchase them.
Record Provider: Cell phone 3170783736 - in Colombia.
Do not forget to comment on the video if you have doubts or want us to expand any information that you consider valuable.
We hope the video, as always, is very useful for you.
Team John Henry Gomez
#how to weld #guiadesoldering
#tips #grinder #tube cutter