For all the frustrations on Masterduel ladder right now with it's "spashable engine" "multiple negates" "10 minute combo" nonsense with Fiendsmith, Azamina, White Forest, Snake-Eyes and Yubel piles, I have one outlet which makes the game fun again - Bystials. Bystials counter the GY dependent strategies listed above, and any deck that can field them with a critical mass of handtraps is effectively playable on Masterduel ladder!
Centur-Ion is one such deck, being hyper-consistent with 14 one-card starters. This means that these mecha pilots can fight alongside their arsenal of 20 handtraps, allowing them to go toe-to-toe with those annoying pile powerhouses such as White Forest, Fiendsmith and Snake-Eyes that plague the game right now!
If you have any questions about this deck, feel free to ask me in the comments below!
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