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33 Days to Living Your Authentic Truth
Join me for 33 Days of introspection, clarity, and creating a fulfilling life as a Highly Sensitive Being. Every morning at 7am starting January 1st, 2025. 🎇
Join this Facebook Group to watch live or sign up to my YouTube channel to watch the replay (each day will be posted for five days).
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Action steps for Day 9:
Elaine Aron’s Self Test “Are You Highly Sensitive”?
The 4 Characteristics of a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP):
D -deeply processes information (more brain activity during certain tasks)
O -more easily overstimulated
E -deeply empathetic & intense emotions
S -aware of subtle stimuli
Journaling Prompt:
Step 1: When do you get overstimulated?
-think of the 7 key areas/ places/ people/ events/ segments during your day
-what stimulates you in a positive way? (Ex: particular music/ conversation with a certain person/ a book/ podcast, etc)
Step 2: How can you prepare for an overstimulating event?
-segment intending. When you plan it, how much time to take before and after.
-at least take time for your one or more of your 5 minute mood changers (bliss list) before and after.
-ask yourself “what do I need in order to be ok in this place/ with this person/ in this situation” and then take the things you need with you like an extra sweater or earbuds.
****Accepting that you are Highly Sensitive and that you will get overstimulated more easily/ quickly than others, is so vitally important! Because then you can plan for it!****
Remind yourself of your favorite characteristics of being highly sensitive! 💕
Step 3: What do you do when you get overstimulated? How to calm yourself/ get centered again.
-remove yourself from the situation/ noise/ etc
-earbuds to dampen noise or listen to something soothing.
-close your eyes/ go inward/ meditate
-breathe (square breathing: in, hold, out, hold)
-pick ONE of your senses and focus on your here and now. (What do you see that is calming/ hear/ feel)
-soothing self talk (all is well. It’s going to be ok. I can handle this. I am safe. I am guided.)
-reassure yourself body all is well/ you are safe.
-journal about the event and why you got overstimulated (what happened before/ during/ where you already at almost overaroused before you got there?)
**Remember: “I’m not weaker than others, I’m different. My brain processes stimuli more deeply/ more stimuli more quickly, which naturally results in feeling overstimulated more quickly than people who are not Highly Sensitive. All is well. Nothing has gone wrong. I’m not broken. There’s nothing wrong with me. Being Highly Sensitive is an incredible gift if I choose to focus on the positive aspects & lovingly guide myself through the challenges”.
Comment below:
What has been the most effective way for you to calm yourself down when overstimulated?
Thank you for joining in & creating this introspective & healing space with me for these 33 Days. 💕
Download your FREE guide & join my email list for special insights on these 33 Days to living your authentic truth as a Highly Sensitive: