In today's video we delve into 15 lessons that master ones MIND. The ability of being able to master your mind is pivotal to living a stoic life and is recommend by many if not all stoic philosophers. Enjoy and thank you for watching.
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00:00 - Stoic Intro
00:32 - 1. Use adversity as fuel
01:51 - 2. Pursue virtue, not pleasure
03:02 - 3. Manage expectations
04:08 - 4. Separate externals from internals
05:17 - 5. Overcome negative emotions
06:26 - 6. Reframe problems
07:35 - 7. Limit desires
08:43 - 8. Follow nature
09:54 - 9. Focus on character
11:02 - 10. Have an internal locus of control
12:08 - 11. Contemplate mortality
13:15 - 12. Practice resilience
14:29 - 13. Help others
15:32 - 14. Master yourself first
16:46 - 15. Live deliberately
18:03 - Stoic Reflection
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