Check out the recording of last night's onX Offroad Masterclass with Andy & Talon. Follow along as they share tips and tricks to help you master the app.
From Trail Type selections, color-coded Waypoints, and in-depth Trail Data, to building your own routes with Route Builder you can explore more and go father with confidence.
#onXoffroad #GoFarther #routebuilder #builtforadventure #findtrailsnearyou #offroadadventures #offroadtrails #onxoffroadmasterclass #onxmaps #onxoffroadedu #onxoffroadhowto #talonsei
New to onX Offroad? With more than 615,000 miles of mapped roads and trails in the Dirt, Waypoint Sharing, Weather Conditions, and 500,000 Recreation Points like campsites, trailheads, swimming holes, breweries, and gas stations - onX Offroad is the perfect way to find your next spot to play.
Try the onX Offroad App Free today:
Check out Talon Sei’s Channels...
YouTube: @TalonSei