What was the German reaction to the bombing by B-17 Flying Fortress and B-24 Liberator during World War 2? Join me as I explore the reaction of the Luftwaffe from fighter planes, to tactics, anti-aircraft defenses and the bombing itself.
- Check out my books -
Ju 87 Stuka - http://stukabook.com
STG-44 Assault Platoon - http://sturmzug.com
German Panzer Company 1941 - http://www.hdv470-7.com/
Achtung Panzer? Zur Panzerwaffe der Wehrmacht - http://panzerkonferenz.de/
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- Sources -
Boog, Horst (2001), “Strategicher Luftkrieg in Europa und Reichsluftverteidigung 1943-1944“ in Boog, Horst, Gerhard Krebs and DetlefVogel (Ed.) Das Deutsche Reich und der Zweite Weltkrieg: Das Deutsche Reich in der Defensive, DVA.
Boog, Horst (1982), Die deutsche Luftwaffenführung 1935-1945, DVA.
German Military Archive; Files: various. Available upon request (e.g. trade/cooperation).
Miller, Donald (2006) Masters of the Air, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.
Westerman, Edward (2001) German Anti-Aircraft Defenses, University of Kansas Press.
- Timecodes -
00:00 - Master of the Air
01:26 - German Fighter Strength
04:24 - Reaction to B-17 Flying Fortress
06:09 - Fighter Tactics
09:03 - FLAK: Anti-Aircraft Defenses
13:06 - Bombing Germany
- Audio -
Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound