this sudden patch really threw me into a frenzy
0:00 Introduction
1:34 Build Assumptions
3:09 Highest Damage / Maximum Raw
5:37 Non-Artian Weapons
6:23 Custom-Weapon Decorations (eg. Lance, Gunlance, Sword and Shield)
7:18 High-Sharpness Builds / Master's Touch
7:51 Guardian Arkveld + Blango (Decimator + War Cry) (Survivability)
9:18 Guardian Arkveld + Arkveld (Decimator + Hasten Recovery (Survivability)
10:05 Quick Sheathe 3 (eg. Long Sword)
10:56 Adrenaline Rush (eg. Dual Blades, Bow)
12:14 Counterstrike (eg. Great Sword)
12:50 Jin Dahaad (Binding Counter) (eg. Great Sword)
13:47 Summary, Conclusions, Acknowledgements
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