You want to buy a Mazdaspeed 3 or Speed 6. Today we go over every to look for when buying a Mazdaspeed 6/3.
This is a complete mazdaspeed 3/6 buyers guide.
For everything you need to know when buying a Mazdaspeed 6/3. Or if your buying a Mazda 3 MPS or a Mazda 6 MPS.
We cover all the optional extras for MazdaSpeeds, as well as MPS common problems and MPS things to look out for.
Mazdaspeed common problems
Common Problems Mazdaspeed 3/6 MPS videos
What MazdaSpeed/MPS should you buy? (Gen 1 Vs 2 vs speed 6)
Thank you so much to RastaManJungle for sending in this 🔥B Roll footage