محاضرة ماجستير إدارة الأعمال MBA : متى؟ ولماذا؟ وكيف؟
المحاضرة قدمتها في 2015 بتنظيم الشباب في نادي الإدارة عن ماجستير ادارة اعمال عندنا بالكلية فشاكر لهم تنسيقهم وترتيبهم.
نسخة العرض هنا:
وبالنسبة للGMAT من فترة طلبت من العزيز هادي فقيهي أن يكتب لي تجربته مع وسائل التدريب للGMAT
وهذه اختصار ما كتب.جزاه الله خير🌷
1- Manhattan Guide:
Resources: Books,Training Courses (London & NA),Online Portal,6 CATs
Manhattan GMAT Guide is voted as the best tool to prepare for GMAT exams.In terms of books they have very strong material esp. in regard to the quant part, hence it is a perfect choice for whoever has rusty maths & needs a detailed rev.I will always rec. it to prepare for the quant part since it puts one under a challenge with qts that may sometimes go beyond the GMAT scope but still have good takeaways.
In regard to the verbal material I think Manhattan falls short in this area.You might want to rev. it for the grammar sake only.
2- Magoosh:
Resources: Blog,Online Portal
I enrolled in Magoosh for 99$ & it is a valuable tool to help me organize my prep & monitor my progress.Their advantage is that as you do exercises in their portal they provide you with a detailed report about your performance by qt type & difficulty level & how you are managing your time through the test.In Magoosh you are always attached to the screen & time so you are practicing in the same way the exam is being done.They have a video explanation for each qt & that is quite helpful for students who prefer mmedia over textbooks.They always equip you with study plans day by day;a helpful tool for beginners.
3- Veritas Prep:
Resources:Books,Training Courses (NA, Europe,Turkey & Dubai),Online Portal,9 CATs
Review: I attended a course with Veritas in Dubai & it was a chance to see GMAT from the perspective of a 99 percentile instructor & how they see GMAT tricks & challenges.In terms of books Veritas takes a different approach to the GMAT. It's always about the big picture of GMAT:the thinking process & solving strategies.While you need todo your own rev.of the quant & verbal skills as they don't provide a good review,but after doing that,I found Veritas as the best tool to tackle GMAT challenges.I would rec. it as a main studying plan while using Manhattan as a ref.material.
Also Check : www.beatthegmat.com
Hadi Faqihi @hadifq
Some abbreviations used:
Quant: quantitive part
Rec: recommend
Ref: reference
Qt: question