In this video I am trying out a Hasselblad 500 C/M for the very first time. You see my first steps with a medium format camera.
This video is not supposed to be a comparison between the Hasselblad and the Leica M6 which I am also using during the video.
I do not intend to compare the shots from the Leica with the shots from the Hasselblad. Neither from a photographic point of view nor from a technical point of view. I leave it up to the viewer to decide which ones they like better.
I am speaking purely from my first experiences in shooting with the Hasselblad when it comes to my approach to photography.
Hasselblad 500 C/M, 80mm f/2.8, Kodak Tri-X 400
Leica M6, 50mm f/2.0 APO Summicron, Ilford HP5+
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