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말린시래기 맛있을때 정리해서 이렇게 드세요!! 간편하고 영양가득한 시래기반찬밀키트 meal kit side dishes

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(밀키트시래기영양밥) 삶은 시래기 1키로정도 소고기다짐육 200그램 청주 1작은술 식초 조금 진간장 1큰술 소금 1꼬집 다진마늘 식용유 3큰술 쌀 6컵 대파당근양념장 (누룩간장,참기름,깻가루,참치액, 후춧가루,생강가루) (시래기장) 삶은 시래기 1200그램 식용유 5큰술정도 시래기삶은물 5컵정도 말린양파 한줌 치킨스톡가루 2큰술 된장가루 1컵정도 (Rice meal kit, dried radish greens) Boiled dried radish leaves are about 1kg 200 grams of beef tenderloin meat 1 teaspoon of Cheongju A little bit of vinegar 1 tablespoon of thick soy sauce a pinch of salt crushed garlic 3 tablespoons of cooking oil 6 cups of rice Green onion carrot sauce (Soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame powder, tuna liquid, pepper powder, ginger powder) (Saraegi Station) 1200 grams of boiled dried radish greens About 5 tablespoons of cooking oil About 5 cups of dried water a handful of dried onions 2 tablespoons of chicken stock powder About 1 cup of soybean paste powder #밀키트 #시래기영양밥 #간편요리 #다이어트요리 #건강식 #간단요리
