"In the heart of an Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World, a high-ranking official vanishes without a trace, sparking unrest among the tech-priests. Desperate to uncover the truth, the enigmatic figure known as Magos Foreng joins forces with the resolute Arbitrators. In this gripping audio drama/video feature, alliances are tested, secrets are unveiled, and the race to decipher the mysteries of the past could determine the fate of the Imperium's future."
Special Thanks:
Matthew J. Plumb: www.matthewjplumb.com
Munching Biceps: https://www.artstation.com/munchingbiceps
Morgan Jones: https://www.morgan-jones-art.com/
Narrator: Matthew J Plumb www.matthewjplumb.com
Captain Daen Smyth: @AVoxintheVoid
Torr Ko Pat: @baldermort
Lord Ty-En: www.matthewjplumb.com
Captain Graeg Braanen: @SandmanofTerra
Jaek B-1: @TheAmberKing
Magos Foreng: @WarriorTier
Cryptek Lord Nostrohk: @TheRemembrancer
Scribe Pomit: Matthew Houlihan
Robb Burns: @ChaoticVoicesofAndreas
Arbiter Dunning: @OldManReacts
Aen MacLeesh: @pancreasnowork9939
Tectus 771: @ChicagoReacts
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**Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are copyrighted to Games Workshop.
All footage and art in this video are used for educational purposes only.
All views and opinions expressed in this video belong to Warrior Tier and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. If you see your artwork and would like an art credit, please message me.
00:00 - Prologue
03:52 - Opening Credits
04:47 - Faith
11:54 - Torr Ko Pat
23:15 - A Series of Codes
32:18 - Articulated Steel
36:27 - Tech Heresy
49:57 - Full Speed
55:15 - Work of the Omnissiah
1:02:13 - Forgiveness
1:09:23 - The Return
1:12:40 - Epilogue