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Mechwar Bel Wadi: Nahr Ibrahim, Valley & River: A Cultural, Touristic and & Spiritual Documentary

Anthony Rahayel 43,829 3 years ago
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Nahr Ibrahim, The Valley & River: A Cultural, Touristic and & Spiritual Documentary with Elie & Marc . نهر إبراهيم ، الوادي والنهر: فيلم وثائقي ثقافي ، سياحي وروحاني مع إيلي ومارك . Day 1: Day 2: . The Famous River of NAHR IBRAHIM: The Documentary! . NAHR-IBRAHIM includes a plethora of natural resources such as water, biodiversity, and landscapes; this river basin represents a unique case for Lebanon, as it offers the possibility of documenting and witnessing in real-time the radical metamorphoses that took place in the river basins of Nahr Beirut, Nahr el Damour and Nahr el Kalb and Nahr el-Bared. The unique and complex land use along the banks of Nahr Ibrahim basin starting from 1600 m above sea level with upstream resorts and agricultural land, to downstream industries, recapitulates the majority of environmental issues, as well as agriculture, and development dilemmas encountered at the level of the Mediterranean basin. Due to this unique and complex land use, and neighboring pressures from the main highway and the city of Byblos, Nahr Ibrahim constitutes a case-study of demographic pressure on natural ecosystems and new urban paradigm; it is thus drawing the attention of the national and Mediterranean scientific community. . "Welcome to those who believe in spreading happiness, to those who believe in the power of dreams, to those who believe in sharing joy, and who would like to join me in my exploration of this beautiful life." . JOIN my channel, and help me continue the journey, with a small monthly contribution: . SUPPORT my mission: . Subscribe: . #AnthonyRahayel, #NoGarlicNoOnions Thank you for watching another video or live coverage by (انطوني رحيّل) "#Spreadinghappiness and #Sharingjoy" is what I do. . #Arabic, #French, and #English: My Channel Speaks 3 Languages. . . My mission is to show the Lebanese cosmopolitan culture through my eyes, to the world! Traveling around the globe, visiting Dubai monthly, I support small businesses and spot the next food trends. Travel blogging across the globe, showing you the world cultures from my perspective. . You can support my initiatives: DIRECT PAYPAL TRANSFER: . . Follow my steps on Social Media: - FACEBOOK: - INSTAGRAM: - TWITTER: - TIKTOK: - LINKEDIN: . . . #NGNO #Lebanon #Food #Dubai #Paris #LebaneseVillages #لبنان #TravelBlog #Mechwar #People #Happiness #Beirut #TourismVideos #NGNOdiscovers #السفر #الشرق_الأوسط #exploringfood #FoodVideos #Howitsmade #HappinessandJoy #Foodblogger
