B.T. Washington retired from United States Air-force after thirty years of serving his country. A true hero with a big heart, he spent more time in his retirement volunteering to help others, than himself. He knew he had a kidney problem, but he avoided dealing with how serious it was until he had a crisis. Together with his wife, Gemma, B.T. took up the challenge to wage war against chronic kidney disease while continuing to enjoy his life with his antique cars, prized hens, and his love for Motown music.
Medical Stories, is a new documentary film series produced for PBS / Public Television – taking viewers on an emotional and inspirational journey through cinematic storytelling, as the lens focuses on ordinary people going through extraordinary measures of courage and triumph.
The stories of these brave patients are revealed by their incredible willpower to help inspire, improve and transform the lives of others through their own personal narrative and are reinforced by leading medical experts in the field. At times, the patient experience connects them with a remarkable support base community, which often may help contribute to their positive outcome, through a vast foundation of hope and encouragement.
Please subscribe to our YouTube channel and look for B.T. Washington's story airing nationwide as part of a Public Television series entitled: Medical Stories. Check your, local PBS listings today! Or visit https://medicalstories.tv/ to learn more about this documentary series.
To help raise awareness and to learn more about CKD, please visit: https://ckdspotlight.com https://rsnhope.org/ https://aakp.org https://dpcedcenter.org https://kidneyfund.org https://kidney.org
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