Originalni recept.
Majin Medovik:
200 g šećera
130 g meda
180 g maslaca
1 mala žl sode bikarbone
1/2 žl začina za medenjake
3 jaja
500 g glatkog brašna
- otopiti na laganoj vatri maslac,med i šećer, skloniti sa vatre, dodati sodu bikarbonu i začin. Smjesa će zapjeniti. Prohladiti smjesu. Kratko izmiksati jaja i dodati ih u toplu (ne vruću) smjesu maslaca, meda i šećera… sjediniti te dodati i brašno. Sve kratko izmiksati u meko glatko tijesto. Podijeliti u 6 vrećica za zamrzivač (3 l) , u svaku cca 180 g. Ohladiti pola sata u frižideru pa oklagijom rastanjiti. Ja sam to radila odmah i nisam imala problema sa korama. Nakon valjanja ih zamrznuti da očvrsu jer ćete ih tako lakše premjestiti na pek papir. Obožavam metodu sa vrećicama jer stvarno radi sa svim pitama i kolačima sa dosta kora! 🤗
Pekla sam kratko na 180* bez ventilatora - 6-7 min.
1700 g milerama - 22% mliječne masti
400 g šećera
-pjenjačom sjediniti mileram i šećer, vagati za svako mazanje 400 g. Premazati kore i ostaviti 24 sata da se smekšaju i fino sljube sa kremom. Naše su bile mekane već nakon 16 sati (pitajte me kako znam 🫣)
Uglavnom - super jednostavno i prefino. Ponovit ću sigurno, iako je meni bilo mrvicu slatko pa ću pokušati oduzeti barem 50 g šećera u korama. Javim dojmove.
Hvala Maji na fantastičnom blogu, na detaljno napisanim receptima, vratit ću se da isprobam još koji
❤️ @maja.babic.provereni.recepti
200 g of sugar
130 g of honey
180 g of butter
1 small teaspoon of baking soda
1/2 tsp gingerbread spice
3 eggs
500 g smooth flour
- melt butter, honey and sugar over low heat, remove from heat, add baking soda and seasoning. The mixture will foam. Cool the mixture. Mix the eggs briefly and add them to a warm (not hot) mixture of butter, honey and sugar... mix and add the flour. Mix everything briefly into a soft, smooth dough. Divide into 6 freezer bags (3 l), each with approx. 180 g. Cool for half an hour in the fridge and spread with a rolling pin. I did it right away and had no problems with crusts. After rolling, freeze them to harden, as this will make it easier to transfer them to the parchment paper. I love the piping bag method because it really works with all pies and cakes with plenty of crust! 🤗 I baked for a short time at 180* without a fan - 6-7 min.
1700 g full fat sourcream - 22% milk fat
400 g of sugar
- use a whisk to combine milaram and sugar, weigh 400 g for each spread
. Coat the crusts and leave for 24 hours to soften and blend well with the cream.
Ours were already soft after 16 hours (ask me how I know )
Basically - super simple and exquisite.
I will repeat it for sure, although it was a little sweet for me, so I will try to take away at least 50 g of sugar in the peels. I'll give you my impressions. Thank you Maja for a fantastic blog, for the detailed recipes, I will be back to try some more ❤️ @maja.babic.provereni.recepti . . #justkatebake #recipes #medovik