#kannapparthidal #ibctrends #meetastranger #chennai #chennaislum #homeforhomeless #kannappar #periyamedu
கண்ணப்பர் திடலில் மாற்றம் ஏற்படுமா என்பது தெரியல ! | Meet a Stranger | Kannappar Thidal | IBC Trends
In this video of IBC TRENDS you can see DEEPAK - MEET A STRANGER YouTube vlogger explain about a place where he has been there already , This area is I Chennai called Kannappar Thidal nearby central railway station and Nehru stadium . This place as more than 120 families in this small 2 floor building and has been named home for homeless by TN government before two months and has been renovated slightly and got painted by government . This change has happened after 10 years since they had moved to this building but still they haven't got good occupation by government and also any useful things and normal life routine is not been done for this families who stay in this area . Hope people from here gets a reply soon and allocate to other place decently in Chennai with their family. Watch full video to know about this place more and do subscribe to our IBC TRENDS channel for more contents .
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