We're taking a quick break from regular programming because I JUST FOUND MY BIRTH FATHER!
♥ My full adoption story: https://michellecehn.com/adoption
♥ A message from my birth father: https://youtu.be/EIaBZLIOZmg
♥ 23andMe DNA Kit: https://refer.23andme.com/s/michellecehn
I was adopted as a baby and after 31 years on this crazy planet, I finally got to meet my biological father and blood family who never knew I existed until last month.
More Videos & Beyond With My Birth Father:
♥ My Adoption & Birth Father Reunion Story: https://michellecehn.com/adoption
♥ "The Brand-New Vegan" Plant-Powered People Podcast Episode: https://plantbasedmealplan.com/ep-21
♥ My Birth Father's Vegan Recipes: https://worldofvegan.com/author/greg-...
♥ Skydiving video with b'pa and my brother: https://youtu.be/Slw3MJkXeks
♥ Vegan Cheddar Cheese Taste-Test With My Newly Vegan B'pa:
♥ Birth Father Memorial Tribute Video: https://youtu.be/6PCo76yjTPE
♥ Remembering B'pa Podcast Episode & Memorial Tribute: https://www.plantbasedmealplan.com/ep-21
This is one of MANY positive adoption stories out there and I hope it helps inspire my fellow adoptees to stay strong in your search. I found my birth mother 10 years ago and it took me another decade before I was able to find my birth father. It is not always an easy journey, but today it's a thousand times more likely that your dreams will come true than ever before thanks to DNA testing.
I sent my DNA off to both 23andMe and Ancestry to find my birth father with ZERO information about him. If you're interested, you can get your own DNA kit here (my special referral links):
♥ 23andMe DNA Kit: https://refer.23andme.com/s/michellecehn
♥ Ancestry DNA Kit: http://refer.dna.ancestry.com/s/michellecehn
You just spit in a tube, mail it in, and in a few weeks you'll get your results and instantly be connected to hundreds or even thousands of family members (distant cousins and beyond). If you're lucky, you might get some close and very helpful matches! For me, one day a 1st cousin match popped up and I was able to figure it out from there. And if not, you'll still learn a lot about yourself and where you come from geographically.
I also want to share that my entire experience as an adopted child has been amazing. I always knew I was adopted, and loved that unique little fact about myself. I truly have the best parents in the world and I'm so grateful for the path I got to go down in my life because my birth mother had the courage to do what was best for me.
I grew up not knowing a single person who was related to me by blood. I had a single photograph of my birth mother and her name, and zero information about my biological father, who never knew I was born. I have always had a hunger to know my birth parents, and ever since I was a little girl I wondered if I might have siblings somewhere out there.
It's crazy that now, just a few weeks after I wasn't sure if I'd ever find my biological father, I have met, hugged, and hung out with nearly my entire blood family. I know that as an adopted child, knowing your birth family is not something you take for granted. If you get even a glimpse of where you came from, you are incredibly lucky. So right now, I feel like the luckiest person in the world.
To my mom, my dad, my birth parents, and my entire huge ever-growing family, I love you to pieces and can't wait for all the adventures that lie ahead.
And to all the adoptees, parents of adopted kiddos, and birthparents watching, don't hesitate to reach out if you need support. I'm here for you!
♡ Michelle Cehn
P.S. If you're moved by this story, please share it, especially if you know anyone who is adopted, has an adopted child, or had discovered a new relative in their life: https://michellecehn.com/adoption
UPDATE: It's with the deepest heartbreak that I share that my birth father (b'pa) Greg Hicks passed away suddenly, and unexpectedly in November, 2019. Just a few months before the birth of his grandson. We had the most intense, incredible, connected two years together and could not have made more of every moment we had together since connecting. I put together a memorial video in case you want to see all that adoption reunions can be: https://youtu.be/6PCo76yjTPE
▹▹▹ ABOUT ME ▹▹▹
My name is Michelle Cehn, and I'm the founder of World of Vegan and a filmmaker on a mission to change the world one video at a time.
♥ My Website: http://michellecehn.com
♥ World of Vegan http://worldofvegan.com
♥ I N S T A G R A M: http://instagram.com/michellecehn
♥ T W I T T E R: http://twitter.com/michellecehn
♥ W E B S I T E: http://michellecehn.com
michelle (at) worldofvegan (dot) com