► FREE E-Book - https://www.lebestark.ch/startseite-english/kettlebell-code-e-book/ ► FREE E-Book - https://www.lebestark.ch/startseite-english/kettlebell-code-e-book/
► Buy LS Kettlebells - https://kettlebells.lebestark.ch
► Free Kettlebell Workout - http://bit.ly/free-kettlebell-workout
► Kostenloses Kettlebell Workout - http://bit.ly/gratis-kettlebell-workout
Do yourself a favor and watch this powerful video by "Fit Father Project" by Dr. Balduzzi. Yes, the Swing is questionable and that's what we dig into in this video.
However, the message is so powerful that we want to help spread it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6i_H0BCzmXM&t=457s
___ Links
Website: https://www.lebestark.ch
Kettlebell Kurse: http://academy.lebestark.ch
Lebe Stark IG: http://instagram.com/lebestark
Angie IG: http://instagram.com/angie_zoe_ziegler
Gregory IG: http://instagram.com/gregory_dzemaili
___ Music
- Epidemic Sound - http://epidemicsound.com
- StreamBeats - https://www.streambeats.com
- StreamBeats License - http://bit.ly/streambeats-license)
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