I'm so thrilled to have Dr. Barbie Taylor a.k.a. "Menopause Taylor" with us today! She's answering your most asked menopause questions.
Check out Menopause Taylor YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSJItwa6IVPGxUVfTHKbwLg
Dr. Taylor's Menopause Book: https://amzn.to/2VM2PXV
Schedule a Consultation: https://menopausetaylor.me/private-consultations/
One of Dr. Taylor's most eye-opening videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1Pgzjudq0M
Looking for a Menopause Specialist? Find a Doctor near you here: https://www.menopause.org/for-women/find-a-menopause-practitioner
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