Experience the magic of "Mera Naam Joker," a masterpiece by Raj Kapoor. This poignant film takes you on a journey through the life of Raju, a circus clown, portrayed by Raj Kapoor, as he navigates love, heartbreak, and the complexities of being an entertainer. With soul-stirring performances, memorable music, and a deeply emotional narrative, "Mera Naam Joker" remains an iconic gem in Indian cinema.
Title: Mera Naam Joker - A Timeless Saga of Laughter, Tears, and the Human Spirit
Year: 1970
Director: Raj Kapoor
Genre: Drama, Comedy
Language: Hindi
Raj Kapoor as Raju
Rishi Kapoor as Junior Raju
Rajendra Kumar as Self
Manoj Kumar as David
Dharmendra as Mahendra Kumar
Padmini as Meena Bansal / Meenu Master
Simi Garewal as Mary
Kseniya Ryabinkina as Marina
Dara Singh as Sher Singh
Om Prakash as Circus Surgeon
Rajendra Nath as Circus Surgeon
Achala Sachdev as Raju's mother
Eduard Sjereda as a Member of the Soviet State Circus
#rajkapoor #rishikapoor #manojkumar #dharmendra #classic #bollywood #70s #legend