Denis Colin is 30 years old, 20 of which he spent opening safes on behalf of his father. The heist supposedly masterfully prepared by Jacques Colin, and a "very good friend", turns into a disaster when the "very good friend" gets it into his head to want to recover the loot for himself alone...
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While the father and the friend come to blows, the banker has plenty of time to press the alarm. Observing the scene, Denis warns the two men who flee as police sirens sound. Out of breath, Denis runs and finds himself mixed up in a crowd: a camp departure. We are waiting for an instructor who has not yet shown up. When he arrives, he gets yelled at by the director who points out his teammate: Fabrice Mars, whose real name is Gilles-Henri de Marsant.
Gilles-Henri de Marsant is 30 years old and spent hanging around. He is here incognito. His mother received threats of kidnapping concerning him (he is the heir to the Marsant empire), she decided that no one would go looking for him there. Gilles-Henri is overjoyed, it is a unique opportunity to escape the protected world in which he has lived. During the bus ride, Denis has to endure Gilles-Henri's repeated jokes and the children's incessant questions: "When are we arriving?" », “Shall we go to the swimming pool?” ", " I feel like throwing up ? »... Not to mention that at the first stop, two teenagers decide to steal some trinkets from the gas station.
While Denis thought he had found the ideal hideout, he will have to face two major challenges: taking care of the children he hates and managing the troublesome friendship of Gilles-Henri who never leaves him...
With :
Laurent OURNAC
Sébastien KNAFO
Francis PERRIN
Emmanuel SUAREZ
Marie-Philomène NGA
Director: Vincent GIOVANNI
Author: Tania de MONTAIGNE, Thomas PERRIER