Mercury Verado 300 V8 I 300 Hour Full Outboard Service How To: DIY at Home
Hey Everyone! Heres a quick breakdown of a Mercury Verado 300 V8 300 hour service I performed at home on my lift! Getting maintenance done at the marina can be super expensive and even take forever to get an appointment to get it done. Just wanted to show you guys how I did this from home and how its possible. Definitely some learning and things id change for the next service but overall a quick and easy process! Thanks for watching and make sure to comment below with any questions etc you have with the service! Good luck ! mercury v8 | 300 hour service
Tools Needed:
-Needle nose pliers
-1 1/8 socket
-1 1/16 socket
-5/8 in wrench
-14mm deep socket
-8mm socket
-Flathead Screw Driver
-10mm Socket
-1 1/8in socket
-Old knife
-Oil filter wrench
-3/4 in wrench
-Mercury Tools listed below
-3/4 in wrench
-Hose clamp
300 Hour Service Kit-
Flywheel Belt Stretch Tool: 91-8M0146862
Flywheel Tool: 91-8M014686
#mercuryverado300 #fullservice #howtomercury300hourservice