Metal Drumming Patterns and Fills - Practice Guide
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Want to master your drumming and get a free strategy session from Cameron? Apply at A video guide for the metal drumming patterns and fills guide.
Here's where each lesson starts in the video:
Lesson 1 - Beginner Double Bass
2:25 Lesson 2 -
The Sk@nk Beat
3:30 Lesson 3 - Traditional Blast Beat
4:44 Lesson 4 - Linear Drumming
6:07 Lesson 5 - Odd Time Signatures
7:30 Lesson 6 - The Hammer Blast Beat
9:09 Lesson 7 - The Triplet Blast Beat
10:40 Lesson 8 - 16th Note Drum Fills
12:46 Lesson 9 - Triplet Drum Fills
14:19 Lesson 10 - Linear Cross-Rhythms
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