Warrant, from Hollywood, California, may have made it big on the glam metal stage at the worst possible time: the tail end. Even mega-hits like "Heaven" and "Cherry Pie" couldn't stop the oncoming grunge scene, and the early '90s swept Warrant under the rug. However, singer and songwriter Jani Lane, guitarists Erik Turner and Joey Allen, bassist Jerry Dixon, and drummer Steven Sweet continued to make music and attempted to maintain a foothold in the changing musical landscape. Come along as we explore the albums and history of Warrant and as well as the band's rocky relationship with Jani. If you're like me, you may just discover some great Warrant tracks you never knew about. And if nothing else, we'll at least have fun checking out some music videos. So put on your headphones and let's listen to some Warrant!
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Music Videos:
Down Boys: https://youtu.be/0RHENr6Xe70
Heaven: https://youtu.be/rrSdXtFJG20
Big Talk: https://youtu.be/__1u99UXrq8
Sometimes She Cries: https://youtu.be/DAX20LoVgxE
I Saw Red: https://youtu.be/3dh79Ggx9Js
I Saw Red (Acoustic): https://youtu.be/tC6cxdVGc2c
Cherry Pie: https://youtu.be/OjyZKfdwlng
Uncle Tom's Cabin: https://youtu.be/bx6f68Wd9dc
Blind Faith: https://youtu.be/uNoJ9YHtqq0
We Will Rock You: https://youtu.be/8WX0dLwlBTs
The Bitter Pill: https://youtu.be/WVGT5y2OiHA
The Bitter Pill (Acoustic): https://youtu.be/8nINoinmQYU
Family Picnic: https://youtu.be/mI-tmJo5wMc
Stronger Now: https://youtu.be/7g1WEB6aY34
Devil's Juice: https://youtu.be/7pcgZxC5iN0
Hell, Ca: https://youtu.be/C8eN4y-bm_A
Life's a Song: https://youtu.be/0V8uSouJrRY
Home: https://youtu.be/TJbkrj70Le4
Louder Harder Faster: https://youtu.be/D49dksxlPBQ
I Think I'll Just Stay Here and Drink: https://youtu.be/RWQlvMeddDU
MTV Australia w/ Jani Lane (1989): https://youtu.be/I3TiiO7xaMM
Good Rockin' Tonight w/ Jani Lane & Jerry Dixon (1989): https://youtu.be/eVwOf1OPgWY
Headbanger's Ball w/ Jani Lane & Erik Turner (1988): https://youtu.be/8KlkTYEpfyg
Panorama (1989): https://youtu.be/Rc-2BqgAGlw
Rockline w/ Jerry Dixon (1991): https://youtu.be/qA4YpStqF5o
Into the Night with Rick Dees (1991): https://youtu.be/KsKWz4_Imw8
Headbanger's Ball w/ Jani Lane & Jerry Dixon (1992): https://youtu.be/ScHBTZHRJGU
Metal Masters w/ Jerry Dixon & Erik Turner (1995): https://youtu.be/xoROMtIlBG0
Rapid Fax (1997): https://youtu.be/n-So9x_fEeo
Lunch with Jesse (1998): https://youtu.be/Ghj77-GBp8A
Gazzarri's (1987 - Full concert): https://youtu.be/W8rtq0V5sv0
#Warrant #GlamMetal #JaniLane #MetalSchool #HeavyMetal #ErikTurner #JerryDixon #JoeyAllen #StevenSweet #DownBoys #DirtyRottenFilthyStinkingRich #Heaven #SometimesSheCries #BigTalk #UncleTomsCabin #TheBitterPill #DogEatDog #MetalHistory #SunsetStrip #BobbyBrown #RobertMason #WarrantDocumentary #ISawRed #GuitarSolo #DRFSR #ListenToThis #LAMetal #80sMetal #90sMetal #Ultraphobic #BellyToBelly #UnderTheInfluence #BornAgain #Rockaholic #LouderHarderFaster #HeavyMetalDocumentary #90sMTV #StrongerNow #BlindFaith #FamilyPicnic