Mia laid and Egg... And then laid another. Mikey and her have been doing some x rated stuff recently and now she is sitting on eggs. Female macaws and other parrots will always lay eggs so we aren't sure if they are fertilisted but this video will cover EVERYTHING from the start of nesting, to the eggs, outlining the pros and cons of the 4 options we had, and I also go on a massive rant for about 10mins about breeding which I did feel was important to leave in between 13:30 - 24:00.
Mia's Public Birthday Event
Facebook - https://facebook.com/events/s/mias-6th-birthday-public-event/1279510932682386/
Tickets - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mias-6th-birthday-fundraiser-for-world-parrot-trust-tickets-661047570077
DryMix www.mikeyandmia.co.uk/food
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