Michael Parloff provides insight into the late music of Johann Sebastian Bach. This 66-minute lecture focuses on The Art of Fugue. It is the first part of a 2-hour Encounter entitled “The Art of Late Bach.”
Part 1 (about The Musical Offering) can also be viewed on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eqCyBaQEMs&feature=youtu.be
This Encounter was recorded on August 4, 2013 at Music@Menlo; Chamber Music Festival and Institute, David Finckel and Wu Han, Artistic Directors
Introduction to Bach’s Art of Fugue 0:00
The Art of Fugue theme (subject) 8:25
Contrapunctus 1 14:04
Contrapunctus 2 16:32
Contrapunctus 3 18:56
Contrapunctus 4 21:43
Contrapunctus 5 24:45
Contrapunctus 6 in Stylo Francese 27:45
Contrapunctus 7 30:26
Contrapunctus 8 31:43
Contrapunctus 9 35:00
Contrapunctus 10 35:56
Canon in augmentation in contrary motion 38:58
Contrapunctus 14 (incomplete) 41:42
Wenn wir in höchsten Nöthen sein 49:30
Video edited by Darryl Kubian, Indigo Fox Media