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Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting

Permaculture Design 43,211 2 years ago
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Content: 00:00 Mid- to Large-Scale Vermicomposting 00:15 Rhonda Sherman Vermicomposting Specialist 01:19 Continuous flow-through reactors 01:43 Annual Vermiculture Conference 01:57 All kind of scales in vermicomposting 03:19 The worms will eat most things that are organic 03:32 Livestock manure 04:00 Foodwaste 04:06 Humanure 04:15 Food processing waste 04:38 Start with a small wormbin 06:13 Master vermicomposting before expanding 06:26 Don't use paper in a larger bin 06:36 Favourite bedding in a larger system is finished compost 07:02 In a larger system bedding is only 15 centimeters deep 07:46 Only add about 2,5 centimeters of food 09:18 You want your worms to go up to eat 09:29 The pool table effect 10:57 Harvesting the vermicompost 11:54 Continuous flow-through reactor 14:54 Black gold 20:33 NPK is not that big of a deal in vermicompost 20:47 So it is the micro-organisms 21:05 Fulvic acids 21:10 Humic acids 23:19 Precompost the feedstock 23:29 Precomposting is thermophilic composting 24:49 Cured, mature compost is great as a bedding 25:12 Precomposting feedstock kills the pathogens and seeds 25:33 Precomposting feedstock reduces the volume 25:52 Precomposting feedstock makes it homogeneous 26:08 Picky eater 28:37 Women reaching financial stability 31:15 Vermicomposting Specialist at NC State University Rhonda Sherman is the director of the Compost Learning Lab at North Carolina State University and is a leading expert on vermicomposting. She has published extensively about composting and vermicomposting. She also organizes the Annual Vermiculture Conference, which has drawn participants from around the globe. Rhonda travels frequently to present workshops and to consult with farmers, businesses, and institutions on the development and management of vermicomposting systems. This interview was recorded in Amsterdam in summer 2022. presentation: Rhonda Sherman video production: Styn Swinkels music: © 2022 DDC Abcoude, the Netherlands Nederlandstalige online cursus 'Compostwormen en wormencompost’ Deze uitgebreide cursus vertelt je alles wat je moet weten om met de wormen je gft-afval succesvol en probleemloos om te zetten in hele goede wormencompost. Leer alles over de compostwormen, wat ze eten en hoe je ze verzorgt, over de verschillende soorten wormenbakken, de mogelijke problemen die je kunt tegenkomen en oplossingen hiervoor. Wat is wormencompost, waarom is het zo goed voor de tuin, hoe pas je het toe en hoe maak je ‘actief beluchte wormencompost thee’. Ook toegelicht wordt het grootschalige kweken van wormen en produceren van wormencompost, toepassingen in de landbouw en bij afvalverwerking en andere mogelijkheden met compostwormen. De cursus bestaat uit 33 videolessen met in totaal bijna 3,5 uur aan video. Na aanschaf van de cursus is deze gedurende twee jaar online toegankelijk. Bekijk de video:
