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Migraine Headache Help with Trigger Point, Stretches and Exercises | EASE THE HEAD PAIN |

Adam Fields DC 703,024 3 years ago
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A migraine headache has been called a splitting headache or a sick headache and is close symptomatically to a tension headache. Often, you have to just go into a dark quiet room and deal with immense suffering. I feel for you migraine sufferers and have made helping you a priority. 📸 Instagram ➔ 👍 Facebook: THERE ARE MANY TYPES OF MIGRAINE HEADACHES: -Migraine with aura or a Complicated Migraine- About a quarter of you have auras. These neurological symptoms, like visual changes such as blind spots or zigzag lines, dizziness, tingling or numbness and even slurred speech, come before the severe head pain. These last approximately 5 to 45 minutes. Try starting this video the moment you get this warning sign or even try and do it daily to stave off a potential migrain. -Migraine without aura- This is the most common type of migraine. This migraine attack can last between a few hours and a few days. -Silent or Acephalgic Migraine or Aura without the headache - This migraine can, initially, be tough to diagnose and can be tough as you may have the dizziness, blurred vision and other visual changes but no pain in the head. -Chronic migraine is a migraine that you experience for 15 or more days in a month. It is hard to believe but I have helped people with this type of migraine where they had one DAILY for decades. Things that we take for granted like working out, having children and being employable can be tough for those who suffer from chronic migraines. Between endonasal cranial adjusting, spinal adjusting, muscle work, laser therapy and good home care, there is hope you're those of you who suffer from this and most migraine headaches. -Retinal migraine or ocular migraine is a type of migraine attack where you lose vision or experience disturbances in one eye. With this type of migraine, I often see trigger points on the side of the symptoms that cause paint to radiate into the eye. -Abdominal migraine is migraine where pain is felt in the abdomen rather than as a headache and causes stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. This type of migraine is more common in children. -Menstrual migraine is linked to a woman’s menstrual cycle, and comes on within a couple of days on either side of a period. If you have these, look for trigger points in your abdominal area and ask your chiropractor to check your mid lumbar area for misalignments. -Migraine with brainstem aura or basilar migraine) which can cause loss of balance, double vision, difficulty speaking, and fainting. RARE MIGRAINES -Hemiplegic migraine is a severe migraine that causes temporary paralysis. This can be quite scary and is usually on one side of the body. The aura can last weeks. Not something I’ve seen in my office. -Ophthalmic migraine, optical migraine or eye migraine is a migraine that causes weakness in the intraocular and extraocular muscles of the eye. So, there is a possibility of big visual changes, drooping of the eyelids and difficulty moving the affected eye. -Vestibular migraine or migraine associated vertigo, is known for symptoms like dizziness and vertigo. Please let me know how you do with this video so I can further help others like yourself. Both my mom and my wife suffered with regular migraines for years until chiropractic care. So, I have a special place in my heart and a yearning for knowledge in my brain for those of you who suffer from migraines. If you need further help, go to and click on “book online” to schedule a telehealth or in-person appointment. Other related videos for you to try: Tension Headache Relief: Stretch and Strengthen Your Neck 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6/ 7/. 8/ 0:00 Start :09 Corrugator Supercilii Muscle Massage for Migraine Headaches 1:20 Suboccipital to Trapezius Stretch 2:45 Suboccipital Massage for Headaches 4:24 Occipital Lift Exercises for Head Pain 5:40 Acupressure Point on the Lateral Eyebrows for Migraines 7:00 Neck Stretches for Migraine Headaches 8:15 Massaging the Daith for Migraines 10:09 Cervical Rotations for Migraine Headaches 11:00 Tongue Exercise for Cranial Relaxation and Migraine Relief 11:58 Third Eye Massage for Stress and Headache Relief 12:45 Temporalis/Temple Muscle Massage for Migraines 13:45 Scalp Massage of Acupuncture Point for Headaches
