In this collection of videos, we will briefly discuss the migration of the human races (Flannae, Suel, Bakluni and Oerid) in the DnD world of Greyhawk. This is a visual presentation of the Work of Steven B. Wilson and I added no personal ideas. First on our list are the Flan. This video is my very first attempt to create something for YouTube and may feel a bit strange. Just bear with me and I am sure I'll get better :-) Welcome to The Grey League. ----------------------------------------------------- ➫➫➫ Join the community Twitter: (@thegreyleague) logbooks and quick and short updates Website: So, you want to know more about the League? Maybe even join the Guild? Visit our secret website here. YOU CAN NOW DONATE TO A SPECIFIC VIDEO TO BE MADE! ➫➫➫ Credits Greyhawk map: Anna B Meyer Music intro: Kevin Macleod-crusader ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License ➫➫➫ Support us If you'd like to support my work and become part of The Grey League, then you can donate through: - Tip Jar: - patron: Becoming a patron via my website (Rewards are posted in detail on the website.) - Free months in backup storage: - Affiliate links: Micro: (mic) and (boom arm) Headphone: (Sennheiser) Light: (YONGNUO) #TGL #greyhawk #dnd