What you are looking for can be found inside yourself
Mikako Yusa’s desire to understand our ‘inner world’ starts with a question directed at the ‘outer world,’ “Why isn’t the world changing?”
She says that in order to change ‘the world,’ you have to let go of the misconception that we lack something and recognize that we are whole and complete.
"This world lacks nothing."
Her talk reminds us that ‘this world’ seemingly filled with darkness is actually filled with light.
After graduating from university in the United States, Mikako received a master’s degree from International Christian University and worked as an HR manager at major corporations. She is currently promoting the world view of co-creation and the concept “From Adaptation to Creation,” which proposes a new way of living. Lived in 4 foreign countries since her early childhood, Mikako is deeply aware of how people in the modern society suffer from the limit of “the separation between thoughts and emotions.” She continues to search for methods and wisdom that enable individuals and organizations to evolve. Through various activities, Mikako is working to connect Japan with the global waves of social revolution. She is a practitioner of MIT senior lecturer Peter Senge's concept of “learning organizations” in Japan, has invited international social change facilitator Adam Kahane to Japan. She also worked in Japanese translation of the book “Theory U.” Mikako is the 25th generation of her family, and a descendant of Hidesato Fujiwara. She is the mother of 11 years old boy.
MIT上級講師ピーター・センゲ氏が提唱する「学習する組織」の日本における実践の普及や、国際的な社会変革ファシリテーターアダム・カヘン氏の日本招聘、書籍「U理論」の翻訳出版などグローバルな社会変革のうねりと日本をつなげるための活動を展開。生家が藤原秀郷の末裔で25代にあたる。一児の母。 This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx