Hello and welcome to my channel. This video is on how to make sweet pandan custard from scratch for use in milk bread (you can also use it as a dip for bread). If you have seen my other video, this is the same sweet milk bread recipe. You’ll love this pandan custard-trust me!
***if you find that your dough is too wet, add up to 2 TB flour. Different brands of flour may result in a bit different consistency.
3 egg yolk (medium or large)
1 cup coconut milk
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 Tbsp corn starch
1 tsp Pandan Paste
2/3 cup heavy whipping cream (warm)
1 cup plus 1 Tbsp whole milk (warm)
1 egg (room temp)
1/2 cup sugar +1Tbsp (add more if you like it sweeter)
4 cups all purpose flour
1 Tbsp Instant yeast (sorry typo on video-not 2 Tbsp)
1 teaspoon salt
1 egg white
1 Tbsp cold water
Bake at 330 degree F for 16-20 minutes or longer depending on how you shape and size your dough.
Serving size: 24-30 bread more or less dependent on how you shape your dough
Music by @ikson
Music: Do it
Musician: @iksonmusic
Music by https://youtube.com/ikson
Dough recipe adapted from Sanna https://www.womanscribbles.net/ube-purple-yam-bread-rolls/
Credits to Sanna, check out her page.
Custard recipe created by yours truly Zoey
Follow me on Facebook Cooking by Zoey @ https://www.facebook.com/zoeyandvfam/