Some guy discusses their least favorite episode of Milo Murphy's Law, a Phineas & Ferb spin-off, during Pride Month. Yes, there was a Phineas and Ferb spin-off.
Thanks to:
MarieMoments ( @MarieMoments335 )
Ella Cesari
Jenny Geist ( @JennyGeistVids )
for their testimonials and help!
0:00 - Intro
1:00 - Back in 2018
2:46 - What IS MML anyway??? (A Brief Interlude)
3:30 - Thoughts on Season 2 So Far
5:05 - Lady Krillers Rundown
7:21 - A Quick 101 on Transmisogyny
8:58 - The Tootsie Tangent
11:20 - Back to Lady Krillers
13:12 - Fandom Response, or Lack Thereof
14:55 - Why?
15:47 - Billy Bison.
17:23 - Phineas & Ferb's Questionably Transphobic Moments
19:33 - An Asexual's Take On "Canon" Ace Representation in P&F
20:19 - Trans Testimonials Intro
20:33 - Trans Testimonial One
21:45 - Trans Testimonial Two
23:17 - Trans Testimonial Three
25:23 - So, What Now?
26:29 - Trans & Non-Binary Representation in Media
27:31 - The End Result
29:07 - Conclusion
30:37 - Credits
(K.H. Wdznkb, R droo ulitrev blf lu zoo hrmh zmw gizmhtivhhrlmh ru blf sriv nv gl dirgv/wizd uli z hkvxrzo lu gsv Ksrmvzh zmw Uviy xlmgrmfzgrlm dsviv Wzplgz zmw Xzevmwrhs ivzorav gsvb olev vzxs lgsvi zmw tvg nziirvw. Gsvb’iv hl tzb xlwvw rg dlfow yv hl zdvhlnv zmw xllo uli gdl kilnrmvmg nzrm xszizxgvih gl tvg nziirvw, vhkvxrzoob hrmxv gsvb’iv nzov zmw gsv lmob tzb ivk rm prwh xzigllmh rh orpv, hlnv prw drgs gdl wzwh, xlkh, li ylgs. Rg’h z ivzhlmzyov xlmxofhrlm gl nzpv ollprmt zg gsvri ivozgrlmhsrk lpzb ZOHL DV XZM NZPV KVIIB GSV KOZGBKFH GIZMHTVMWVI. DV XZM FHV GSV UZXG BLF WRWM’G PMLD ZYLFG XLIIVXG KOZGBKFH ZMZGLNB ZG GSV GRNV GL VEVIBLMV’H YVMVURG.)