Steve Lekson gave this presentation for the March 18, 2021, “Third Thursday Food for Thought” program sponsored by Old Pueblo Archaeology Center, Tucson, Arizona
The ancient Mimbres people of southwestern New Mexico were interesting not only for their famous pottery, but also as “players” in the larger history of the ancient Southwest. In this talk Dr. Lekson considered Mimbres history in the context of its times relative to the Hohokam culture up to about 1000 CE; Chaco Canyon from 1000 to 1150; and the run-up to Paquimé/Casas Grandes development from 1150 to 1250. Mimbres began as pithouse villagers making red-on-brown pottery (much like Hohokam red-on-buff) and developing Hohokam-inspired canal irrigation systems in the Chihuahuan Desert. Around 1000 CE the Hohokam culture waned as the Chaco culture waxed in the “Pueblo II Expansion” of old textbooks. Archaeologist Emil Haury, long ago, identified 1000 CE as approximately the time when the Mimbres was transformed into a culture of stone pueblos and black-on-white pottery; he insisted that Mimbres (a subset of the larger Mogollon region) essentially ceased being Mogollon and became much more Anasazi-like. Mimbres flourished while Chaco flourished, from 1000 to shortly before 1150. Political shifts after 1125 at Chaco were reflected at the same time by mass depopulation and social change in the river valleys occupied by the Mimbres. Post-Mimbres people moved south into the desert and formed new communities in mud-walled-pueblo villages (some of considerable size) with little or no locally produced painted pottery. Those post-Mimbres societies almost certainly contributed substantially to the base population for Paquimé, the Casas Grandes regional center from 1300 to 1450.