_Mind Your Language_ is a British sitcom that premiered on ITV in 1977. Three seasons were made between 1977 and 1979, and it was briefly revived for a fourth time in 1985/6. The series depicts people of different countries, social background, religions, and languages existing in the same classroom, learning English as a foreign language. Mr. Brown, played by Barry Evans, is their EFL teacher. (Modified from Wikipedia.)
00:00:00 - Episode 1: All Present if Not Correct
00:25:10 - Episode 2: Queen for a Day
00:50:59 - Episode 3: Brief Re-encounter
01:16:35 - Episode 4: Many Happy Returns
01:41:24 - Episode 5: Don't Forget the Driver
02:07:10 - Episode 6: A Hard Day's Night
02:31:08 - Episode 7: Take Your Partners
02:56:51 - Episode 8: After Three