Minecraft, But the world is OP Loot Chests..
👇 My Minecraft Challenge Friend(s):
*Minecraft challenge videos I recommend:*
Super Ores: https://youtu.be/N8vyOg1GRc4?si=6-nbWmAKvSWP--0b
Random Drops: https://youtu.be/2Y0LPI8LW5E?si=uRMPRIVYa0Wxe7Pd
Trees Are Chests: https://youtu.be/RwbgU3iZMl8?si=kGE2AK6vmvOnzHHB
Custom Enchants: https://youtu.be/ut-16MY12hQ?si=BL2dEjtRCVrpnE0a
Ores Are Chests: https://youtu.be/tW4MU-c4UBA?si=4sdnWPqKX8CBYxnK
🏡 Minecraft Structures featured in this video:
- DnT: https://modrinth.com/datapack/dungeons-and-taverns
- Explorify: https://modrinth.com/datapack/explorify
- Structory: https://modrinth.com/datapack/structory
(If I happened to miss any, please let me know!)
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In this Minecraft (1.21) challenge i am playing Minecraft, But the world is OP Loot Chests.. with over 1,000,000 Custom Structures! These structures are filled with Random OP Loot Chests.
#minecraftchallenge #minecraftbut #minecraft