If Minecraft wasn't already the perfect sandbox game, display entities make it sandier. Join the herd as we explore how to create some of the most detailed Minecraft builds one could hope to make!
ADDITIONAL NOTE: I use Axiom to change the way I install display entities, but in preparation for the inevitable comments I have run rests and have generated everything you see in today's video in a completely unmodded Minecraft client. It would take forever using the tools Mojang gave us, but Axiom (ye ol' reliable Axiom!) just helps speed the process up. Come join the Behind the Scenes Stream on Wednesday, March 12th to learn more and have your questions answered live!
Join the Harold's Hangout Discord :: https://discord.gg/XCpRPYMWgd
COMMUNITY NOTE: I am going to do a huge overhaul of the Discord. You have been warned.
Old Stream VOD Playlist :: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvDjQZ0CE3zwOX6W-BGZv7z2Z0yQzaSa_
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mrmaxmondays
COMMUNITY NOTE: The Patreon is going to have a huge overhaul here soon and any (and all!) members from December 2023 to March 2025 will receive full benefits of the entire duration I was ascent. Stay tuned for an update in the Community tab!
FIXED AUDIO VERSION: https://youtu.be/JmGn0KElSFA?si=00f3TApU2kjvLzWa