Hello really hope you enjoy the videos, this is just a decelerated version of some videos I did on instagram, I hope you can still enjoy them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Some popular places I know where you can find all the materials if you live in the United States, Canada, UK or Australia are the stores Michael's or Hobby Lobby. As well on Amazon, Ebay or Etsy.
*Polymer Clay, I use the brand Premo.
-((((((( Colors I used, Wasabi green and Ecru
**Fimo liquid or any kind of Liquid Polymer clay such as Translucent Liquid Sculpey, Bake and bond or Kato Polyclay.
**Sculpting tools, such as manicure tools (dotting tools and rubber modeling tools I bought from bornpretty.com) , x-acto knife, fimo cane blade to slice (I bought on ebay).
** Toothpicks
** Circle cookie cutter N.3 from Makins
** Sculpey Gloss Glaze to give shine
** My hand twist drill to make holes I got from a local shop but I've seen them available on Hardware stores or online such as Amazon, Ebay and DH gate.
** All the jewelry pieces I got from ebay or dh gate.
** My caramel/maple syrup tutorial you can find here https://youtu.be/ozp8rkIa2Po
** Please take into consideration that I use the metrical system for the measurements and also the temperature, if you don't use the metrical system you can convert to your own system using this link https://www.calculator.net/conversion-calculator.html
I'm from México so the shops were I get some of my materials are only available here, but if you're interested to know I get everything on El Nuevo Fénix, Parisina and Hiperlumen.
Common FAQs
*Who are you? - My name is Andrea I'm from México and I'm 28, I love arts.
*How much time have you been working with Polymer Clay? - I have a degree in Fine Arts, so I studied sculpture and other arts, but I discovered polymer clay on August 2013 and I've been playing with it every since.
*Do you sell your work? - I opened my esty shop on April 2014 and my store on 2016, I sell mostly food jewelry and some other crafts as well. Now I'm focusing more on my own website www.andisacharms.com
*What brand of clay do you use? - Premo and Sculpey III
*What tools you need for polymer clay? - No need to buy special ones, toothpicks, toothbrushes, brushes, neddles, cookie cutters, and more you can find at your home.
*Where do you buy your supplies? - I'm from México so the exact shops I go, won't be helpful, but everything else I get on ebay, dhgate or Amazon.
*Why don't you post more often? Because I have commitment issues 😅 Nah I'm just lazy no excuses.
Music: Incredible Kpop original by D3VOK
Twice-Dance the night away