eng,jp,sp,vtn) 살림로그 ㅣ 비닐,플라스틱 없는 냉동실 정리법 ㅣ 오징어 손질 ㅣ 대파 보관법 ㅣ 지퍼백 대신 허니포켓 친환경랩 [내살림예뻐해주기]
As I studied one thing and another in the household,
Glass containers and stenches instead of vinyl-intensive refrigerated storage
And instead of zipper bag, we use eco-friendly honeypockets to store them in the freezer.
I found a way.
Most of the containers on the market are plastic.
Pick and choose the right size sten and glass containers.
We found it, so we could clean the freezer environmentally.^ ^
I don't cook when my husband gets to work late.
I'm preparing for an irregular meal.
Because of that, refrigerated storage often runs out of shelf life.
So I usually keep it frozen.
First of all, the way to store it in a container is to use less vinylWest
I'm lighthearted.for convenience's expense
I want to share it with you guys.
I hope the video helped you. I'll see you again on the next video.^^
*Steven container
JAJU Stainless Bart
*Glass containers
JAJU Modern Glass Sealer Squadron
*Honey-pocket eco-friendly wrap
Track :Could I Love You
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President Bush proposed by Brum
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Track :Sometimes Love
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President Bush proposed by Brum
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Track :Some Vintage Mood 2 202
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a little hero
President Music by Brum
President Bush proposed by Brum
Watch: https://youtu.be/0YnjXhUafc4