MR ALOY & MC BREW MCing Then vs. Now, What’s Changed?!
The party scene has changed, and so has the role of the MC. It’s more than hype it’s about reading the crowd and owning the night.
Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to keep the music (and the laughs) coming every week!
Follow us here:
Instagram : @yourscenescks
Winky Wiryawan : @winkywiryawan912
Sihk : @sihksihk
Madukina : @madukina
Aloy : @mister.aloy
Raden Mas Seto Kusumo : @mcbreew
Produce by @nsf_Productionhub / nsf_productionhub
& @halos.entertainment / halos.entertainment
Halos Crew :
MARCOM : Gerry Surjadi
Graphic Design: Niko
Socmed : Jean, Ibra
NSF Crew :
PM : Emri Akbaril, Swandaru, Rangga Ilham
Director : Emri Akbaril
Tech. SPV : Novan Choirul
Prod. SPV : Rara Rahmawati
Creative : Damian Obinna
Videographer : Reza, Reisky, Faizul, sedayu
Audio Specialist : Goddard
Production Assistant : Arsela
Visual Specialist : Garry