About The Webinar:
Implementing Mixed Model Manufacturing does not have to be an all-or-nothing proposition...it can be done in stages to reduce disruptions and shutdowns. In this webinar we'll present a "Hybrid Kaizen" model to accomplish this.
*The Mixed Model Strategy
We'll be doing a (brief) introduction to the Mixed Model strategy, whether you do it in one leap, or through a series of stages.
*Advanced Preparation
Like any Kaizen Event, this is really a key to success. We like to recommend, to set expectations, that for every Kaizen Event hour, plan to spend 3 hours in preparation.
*Conducting the Event
We will break it down day by day, to describe how Mixed Model Manufacturing is rolled out over a 4-day period.
*Sustaining Change
Follow-up is not enough to guarantee sustainability of your improvements. You need to be high enough on the Value Stream Maturity Scale...otherwise your efforts are at risk!