When I was a teenager, I acquired a debilitating chronic illness called ME. I've been quite unwell with it for quite a long time, but over the last few years I've experienced significant improvements. My life as it is today is a million miles away from what it once was, and I really think a big part of that progress has come from using mobility aids. In 2015 I purchased a cheap and cheerful transit wheelchair to help me start leaving the house again. A year later, I was granted an NHS wheelchair in a similar model. Fast forward to 2018 and I made the decision to invest in an electric wheelchair, the Eden Comet from Eden Mobility. It’s definitely not a faultless chair and my experiences definitely haven't come without difficulties, but I can confidently say that embracing mobility aids in all shapes and forms has changed my life for the better.
I know it can be tricky to find information and resources, all the more so when you're thinking about chronic illness and mobility aids, and I also know that the term 'mobility aids' includes far more things than just walking aids alone, but I put a call out for wheelchair and power chair related questions on Instagram. In this video we cover how to choose the best aids, things to look for and avoid, the sensory experience of using a wheelchair with ME/CFS, managing storage and batteries alongside fatigue, tips for travel and must-have accessories, dealing with stigma and ableism, and so much more.
Please bear in mind that I'm not a medical professional nor a specialist and I'm talking purely from my own lived experiences, but I really hope you find this video helpful!
Using A Wheelchair Has Helped Me To Walk: https://www.lifeofpippa.co.uk/2021/09/27/using-a-wheelchair-has-helped-me-to-walk/
Aids And Equipment For Managing Fatigue: https://www.lifeofpippa.co.uk/2019/05/20/aids-and-equipment-for-managing-fatigue-ad/
Power-Chairs Aren't Just For Elderly People (Mobility Aid Lookbook!): https://www.lifeofpippa.co.uk/2018/06/28/powerchairs-arent-just-for-elderly-people/
Mobility Scooter Or PowerChair - Which Is Right For You? https://www.careco.co.uk/blog/mobility-scooter-or-power-chair-which-is-right-for-you/
Becoming A Powerchair User (FAQs): https://www.lifeofpippa.co.uk/2019/10/07/becoming-a-power-chair-user-faqs-one-year-on-ad/
NHS Wheelchair Services: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/care-services-equipment-and-care-homes/walking-aids-wheelchairs-and-mobility-scooters/
Eden Comet Power-Chair: https://www.eden-mobility.co.uk/eden-comet
Access Your Life (Equipment Reviews): https://www.accessyourlife.co.uk/
Motability Powered Wheelchair Info: https://www.motability.co.uk/whats-available/scooters-wheelchairs/wheelchairs/
ShopMobility (Hire Mobility Aids): https://www.shopmobilityuk.org/we-have-moved/
Sunflower Lanyard Scheme: https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/
[AD - Affiliate] BundleBean Wheelchair Cosy (use code 'lifeofpippa' for 10% off!): https://bundlebean.com/?ref=lifeofpippa
SHOP MY BOOKS AND EBOOKS: https://tinyurl.com/ybn7a832
MY TEDx TALK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j7JR....
BLOG: www.lifeofpippa.co.uk
CONTACT: [email protected]
FACEBOOK: https://tinyurl.com/y8mgnb9a
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My name is Pippa Stacey and I’m a disabled writer, presenter, and communications consultant based in York. I enjoy theatre, books, and fundraising, and can most often be found wearing some form of pyjamas and drinking all the tea.
I acquired my chronic illness as a young adult and struggle daily with the challenges of living my best life alongside managing a debilitating health condition. However, I’ve finally learned that I don’t have to ‘overcome’ or ‘defy’ my illness in order to be successful, and there’s truly nobody’s path to follow but your own.
You can find out more by visiting www.lifeofpippa.co.uk, and subscribe to see videos about working, travelling, and learning to make the most of life alongside my chronic illness. Thank you so much for being here!