Zane and I are BACK with Modded Bopl Battle! we used some very crazy and corrosive mods, some so strong our game crashed several times! I can't wait to use some new mods in our next one together. we need to get a team together to create a more variety of mods🤣 Make sure to leave a Like and Subscribe :) Mod List: ZeroAbilityCooldown by Mangochicken BiggerLazerPush v1.0.1 by RedFox_1692 GunAbility by 000Diggity000 PullableBlackHoles by maxgamertyper1 VeryEpicMod by SharkVR BiggerBlackHoles by AbstractMelon ExplosiveArrowMinigunThingyThisIsAReallyLongName by Custosdaguard Twitch : Instagram : Subscribe : Thank you, Kevin MacLeod, for letting anyone and everyone use your music. MUSIC USED: monkeys spinning monkeys some music used in this video is made and published by Kevin Macleod LICENSES: No Change were made to these songs #bopl #boplbattle #funnymoments #gaming #glitchee #boplmods #boplfunny #boplbattlefunny #boplbattlemultiplayer #boplmods #boplbattlemodded